Certificate of Completion & Graduation Status
Upon graduation, Encounter students receive a Certificate of Completion if they have met the graduation requirements. Completion of the school also means that students can continue to participate at Encounter events, and are often invited to take leadership roles in ministry settings, and will also be invited to special alumni opportunities such as mission trips. However, these are benefits are secondary to what we believe is the real value of completion. We believe, per our mission statement, that all students are called to ministry in virtue of their baptism. Encounter School trains students in the supernatural lifestyle of Jesus and gives them an environment to grow in their gifting and network with other students with the ultimate goal of advancing the kingdom of God in their own spheres of influence. Our training equips students to do what they are called to do, right where they have the most influence, with power and love so that they can demonstrate the love of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.